LocalTapiola demonstrated their new health app powered by Valossa AI live face analysis

PORI, FINLAND “  LocalTapiola demonstrated a vision-based health feature in SuomiAreena public debate forum on 18th July in Pori, Finland. The application, powered by Valossa AI face analysis engine, measures body mass index (BMI), blood pressure and percentage of fat from facial images taken with a smartphone camera application.

The audience reacted with enthusiasm and tens of people queued after presentation to test the application in practice.

LocalTapiola is one of the biggest insurance companies in Finland. Valossa has been one of the main partners to develop the face analysis service behind the application. Other partners in the project are Herman IT as the infrastructure provider, Kustannus Oy Duodecim for life expectancy predictions, and Macquarie University from Australia, which provides the original research for the health analysis models.

The health app analyses user’s general health information from facial features with the aim of arousing more interest for individual’s well-being. As the service develops, the app may also provide health related recommendations for its users.

LocalTapiola will pilot the face-based health application in autumn 2019 and is a planned part of the broader TerveysHelppi health application development. The targets of the free-to-download TerveysHelppi application are to improve the accessibility of the healthcare services and provide smooth communication between the customer and the online doctors and nurses.

Are you interested in Valossa AI for face analytics? Contact us to find out how Valossa can apply image and video recognition to solve your use cases, or learn more about the Valossa’s artificial intelligence products at our website.

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