Meet Valossa at IBC & Test the New Search

Join Us for IBC in Amsterdam


We’re excited to demonstrate the brand new Valossa Search, deep video discovery capabilities at IBC 2017 in Amsterdam, from September 15-19.  We will unveil our redesigned online tool Valossa Portal which will enable you to extract video content insights and make it easily searchable using Valossa Search.

To illustrate the feature, you can search for example, “Find me clips with portraits of sad Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant in a room,” and discover all the desired clips within your video assets.

If you’re at the exhibition, we’d love to meet! Please contact us and let’s find a time that works best for you.

Sign Up for Valossa Search Beta

By signing up for Valossa Portal you can upload your own videos, process it through the intelligent analysis engine and explore the results with interactive Valossa Reports. In the Portal you can also register to the Valossa Search beta that gives you early access to the powerful scene-level search with free video analysis quota.

Learn more about the comprehensive video recognition service and sign up for the free trial!



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