We Give Computers the Ability to See and Hear

We build end-to-end audiovisual AI automation for all purposes. We collect and prepare data and train AI to your business case. We prove and deploy solutions that meet your needs.

Our Vasara Process Crafts AI Solutions Swiftly

Vasara, a Finnish hammer, symbolizes our unique and iterative design process. We create incredible intelligence engines with PhD-level data science, advanced engineering and cognitive computing. The Vasara Process hammers down intelligent solutions using the latest advances in AI.

Vasara process crafts Ai solution quickly
State of art expertise

We Solve Your Problem with State-of-the-Art Expertise

Get access to Valossa AI team’s 100+ year combined experience with advanced systems. We develop in rapid sprints with an option to move into operational POC fast.  We analyze your business case and plan a suitable AI technology strategy. Explore with us to ascertain the feasibility of applying AI to your problem.

Tailored Valossa AI
- Just for You

Our modern-day blacksmiths craft Valossa AI features and systems to suit your unique needs. Benefit from a finely-tuned, unparalleled capabilities, powered by the robust Valossa AI engine. We expedite your journey with exclusive AI features, accelerating your roadmap to success. Licensing is required for Valossa AI-powered components.

Tailored Solutions for you
Development for customers

Prioritized Feature
Development for Customers

As our priority customer, you wield the power to shape the remarkable future of video AI with Valossa. Join us in pioneering the next generation of video automation AI. Together, we can build the future of video-driven business with advanced automation tools.

Your Problems are Meant for Our Solutions

Since 2015 we have built unique software systems for businesses working with video data and media. We can deliver advanced development projects where customer retains the rights for the outcomes of custom-built applications. Let us propel your projects forward with unparalleled solutions designed exclusively for you.

Fixing your problems with our solutions
mtv logo

Customer Case

Custom AI for MTV’s Online Media Services

Since 2015 we have built unique software systems for businesses working with video data and media. We can deliver advanced development projects where customer retains the rights for the outcomes of custom-built applications. Let us propel your projects forward with unparalleled solutions designed exclusively for you.

Customer Case

Live AI for the City of Oulu

City of Oulu wanted to have a real-time avatar that interacts with people in a public space, provides information and connects with people emotionally. We built Oulio, an interactive, live avatar that reacts to people standing next to a screen, provides them real time information and recognizes people smiling or frowning at it.

People watching Live AI in city of Oulu from a display
cineverse logo

Customer Case

Tailored AI Promotions for Cineverse

Cineverse wanted to enrich their flagship indie movie service with unique AI generated video promotions. Valossa team customized Autopreview with unique style profiles that helped Cineverse obtain clips at scale and provide magical user experiences to their viewers with AI assisted content promotion.

We Deliver AI Powered Solutions Across Industries

We have built advanced video intelligence and cognitive solutions for media and entertainment, automotive, manufacturing, universities, smart buildings, and insurance.