E!SAVANT – AI for Influencers

Smart Video Nordic AB (Sweden), Gavagai AB (Sweden) and Umeå University (Sweden), together with Valossa Oy (Finland), have been awarded a €1 500 000 grant to develop AI for influencers and other small-scale publishers.

The technical solution takes advantage of the consortium’s combined expertise in in video analysis, digital publishing, and autonomous systems. The result is a modular self-optimising platform that allows publishers to profit from their video content. The novelty lies in automatic enrichment of video with relevant advertising, in combination with an artificial intelligence model that continuously updates on-going campaigns to increase their conversion rate.

The Savant platform will act as a catalyst to make the existing influencer ecosystem even more efficient by increasing user activation and, as a consequence, the conversion rate. During the last decade, publishers have lost more than two thirds of their advertising revenue to Facebook and Google: Savant will help publishers to regain initiative by offering them an attractive new ad format to present to their customers.

The project will be carried out over approximately 18 months by a team consisting of Smart Video AB, the research group Foundations of Language Processing at Umeå University, Gavagai AB, and Valossa Oy.

For questions or collaboration requests, please contact

Mika Rautiainen, CEO Valossa Oy

Original press release: https://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/codemill/pressreleases/e-savant-ai-for-influencers-2479598

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